2020 Guide to Substance Abuse in Veterans
Hits :5312
According to an article in the journal Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation, an estimated 11 percent of people seeking first-time care in the Veterans Administration health system report having a substance abuse disorder.1 The Veterans Administration has determined that men are more likely than women to experience a substance abuse disorder. The other group with higher rates of substance abuse was veterans aged 25 or under.

Addiction Center
Hits :6669
Many view addiction as something that only affects the users themselves but, in reality, casualties from substance abuse are taxing on entire communities and society as a whole. Addiction in the UK affects everyone from loved ones to hospital workers, and even tax payers

Hits :2703
Finding an inpatient drug and alcohol treatment center that fits your individual needs may be the best first step you can take in your journey to long-term recovery. Understanding the different types of treatment modalities offered at inpatient treatment centers will help you choose which facility is right for you

Rehab Recovery
Hits :2475
Rehab Recovery is an organisation that provides addiction treatment and healthcare advice for a wide range of of different addiction and dependency problems. We offer a high quality advice and referral service that matches our clients to the right variety of treatment which will solve their problems and let them get on with their normal lives free of the burden of addiction.

Faith & Religion Recovery
Hits :2163
When a debilitating substance habit consumes someone’s life, they often look to a higher power to help give them the strength to get better. Although it’s not for everyone, a spiritually-inclined treatment process helps thousands of addicts each year find the motivation necessary for recovery.

UK Addiction Treatment Centres
Hits :2731
Our purpose is to provide excellent care and treatment to enable all those suffering from addictive disorders to achieve a goal of life-long recovery. Our treatment centres provide comfortable and well-maintained accommodation and we have successfully treated hundreds of people affected by the negative impact of addiction. We treat addiction as an illness not a life choice and ensure that all our practitioners are highly trained and motivated to enable individuals to embark on a life changing process

Healthy Mind and Healthy Body: Suicide Prevention Guide
Hits :2122
Suicide is a tragedy that affects all too many people throughout the United States each year. It is the tenth leading cause of death, with more than 44,000 Americans dying of suicide per year, though this is only the reported number: Due to the stigma surrounding suicide, it is subject to under-reporting that could misrepresent the true numbers. Suicide rates are highest among middle-aged people and white males, but it’s a danger to people of all demographic groups. Suicide is an uncomfortable topic for most people but one that demands attention and understanding in order to prevent the death toll from growing. There are many ways to become an advocate for suicide prevention, but the first step is to learn more

Presbyterian Historical Society of Ireland
Hits :1566
Founded in 1907 the object of the Society is to explore and promote an understanding of the history of Presbyterianism in Ireland. This is achieved by various means, including the collection and preservation of historic materials and records of these churches.

Mission Aviation Fellowship
Hits :1542
MAF uses planes to transform the lives of the world's most isolated people in need.

Minding Your Head
Hits :2014
Minding Your Head has information on how to protect your mental and emotional wellbeing and the issues that can affect it, eg anxiety or depression. It also contains information on the local services that can offer help and support.

Hits :7155
There is one age-old method that can reduce stress levels. It’s free, doesn’t require a prescription, and has zero side effects or drug interactions. You will know it as faith, and millions of people around the world rely on it to see them through hard times.

To Help Overcome Depression
Hits :1653
To Help Overcome Depression

Suicide Awareness
Hits :1596
There are various reasons why a person might consider committing suicide. The most common is emotional suffering or pain. Individuals considering suicide have often reached a point where they feel there are no other viable solutions to the problems they face; or solutions that do exist seem unattainable.

Coping with Childlessness
Hits :1549
"The vast majority of us long to have children and for a married couple to be told this may not be possible can be very painful. This booklet offers a Biblical response that will be helpful for couples struggling with childlessness and for ministers, carers and others offering advice and counsel." The booklet looks at the issues of Involuntary Childlessness, Biblical Perspectives on Childlessness, a Christian Perspective on New Reproductive Technologies, and Adoption and Fostering. Available from Assembly Buildings

Rural Support
Hits :4139
Bureaucracy, family circumstances, health and finances can cause stress and anxiety. We offer a listening and signposting service for farmers and rural families in Northern Ireland. We can help you source information and advice about farm payments, personal and business finance and debt, social security benefits, support for carers, mental health assistance and many other issues. If you’re feeling worried or stressed and would like to talk to someone in confidence, our trained volunteers are ready to help. All calls are confidential and the helpline operates from 8am to 11pm, seven days a week (voicemail and support options available at all other times).

Young Commonwealth
Hits :4485
Young people play an important role in the Commonwealth. They have a voice in how their countries and the wide Commonwealth (as an international network of countries) are run.

Commonwelath War Graves Commission
Hits :1638
The Commonwealth War Graves Commission ensures that 1.7 million people who died in the two world wars will never be forgotten. We care for cemeteries and memorials at 23,000 locations, in 153 countries. Our values and aims, laid out in 1917, are as relevant now as they were almost 100 years ago.

Commonwealth Games
Hits :6714
The Northern Ireland Commonwealth Games Council (NICGC) is the lead body for Commonwealth Sport in Northern Ireland. The council is representative of those sports recognised by the Commonwealth Games Federation. We currently have 17 affiliated sports which elect a nine person Board. The NICGC is primarily tasked with presenting a team at both the Commonwealth Games and the Commonwealth Youth Games. These are the only opportunities available for athletes to compete in a multi-sport event representing Northern Ireland.

Macmillan Cancer Support (NI)
Hits :1664
One in three of us will get cancer and it’s the toughest thing most of us will ever face. If you’ve been diagnosed with cancer, or a loved one has, you’ll want a team of people in your corner supporting you every step of the way. We provide practical, medical and financial support and push for better cancer care. We are Macmillan Cancer Support.

Cancer Focus NI
Hits :8040
Cancer Focus Northern Ireland is your local cancer champion, here to help you and your family if you have cancer. We’ll help your community take positive steps to a healthier life, to lower your risk of cancer and we are determined to bring a more hopeful future by funding ground-breaking research.

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