Thanks for dropping by. This site exists to compliment the work and ministry of First Rathfriland Presbyterian Church. Please take time to browse the site or better still come and pay us a visit at Newry Street, Rathfriland.  Sunday Morning Service is at 11:30 am, so please come join us.


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Sunday Morning Service 23 June 2024

Sunday Morning Service 16 June 2024

About us. 

We are a congregation:-

Committed to weekly worship of the Lord

Dedicated to learning and obeying the Word of God

Motivated to witness to our community by word and action that Jesus is the only way to salvation

Encouraging support and prayer for mission in our world


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Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,
Hebrews 12:1

ANNOUNCEMENTS for Sunday  21st July 2024. 
Sunday 21st July - Prayer Meeting at 11am in the Morrison Room.

Sunday 21st July - Morning Service at 11.30am. The Service will be led and conducted by Rev. Kenny Hanna. 

Next Sunday 28th July - Prayer Meeting at 11am in the Minor Haĺl.

Next Sunday 28th July - Morning Service at 11.30am. 

Children's Church - Children's Church will be on for all Primary school children throughout the Summer months. A list is available in the vestibule for anyone who can help with this. 

Graveyard maintenance fee time of year again. Could everyone with a grave in the adjoining graveyard please pay £20 per grave up to a maximum of £40 for multiple plots. The annual cost of maintaining the Church grounds is approximately £4k per annum. 

Rev. Moody is currently on annual leave until 31st July. In his absence, should anyone require the support of a Minister please contact David Scott, Clerk of Session on 07881410333.



We are delighted to welcome the Rev. Rodney Moody, his wife Eimear, son Michael and daughter Megan to First Rathfriland Presbyterian Church.

Rev. Moody was installed as Minister of the Congregation on Thursday 14th September, with his first service as Minister in Charge on Sunday 17th September at 11.30am. 

We pray that the Rev. Moody and his family will settle into the locality quickly and will be blessed as they commence their ministry in Rathfriland

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